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Vortex supports running Unit (PHPUnit) and BDD (Behat) tests.

For local development, the tests can be run using handy Ahoy commands:

ahoy test # Run all tests

ahoy test-unit # Run Unit tests

ahoy test-kernel # Run Kernel tests

ahoy test-functional # Run Functional tests

ahoy test-bdd # Run BDD tests

In CI, tests are run by calling the test binaries directly.

Unit testing

Vortex uses PHPUnit as a framework for Unit testing.

It is configured to use a copy of Drupal core's core/phpunit.xml.dist configuration file. This is done to allow per-project customisations.


Test reports are stored in $VORTEX_TEST_RESULTS_DIR/phpunit directory separated into multiple files and named after the suite name. These reports are usually used in CI to track tests performance and stability.


Vortex provides a Unit test scaffold for custom modules, themes and scripts.

These tests already run in CI when you install Vortex and can be used as a starting point for writing your own.

Drupal settings tests

Vortex provides a Drupal settings tests to test that Drupal settings are correct based on the environment type the site is running: with the number of custom modules multiplied by the number of environment types, it is easy to miss certain settings which may lead to unexpected issues with deployments.

It is intended to be used in a consumer site and kept up-to-date with the changes to the settings.php file.

CI configuration tests

Vortex provides a CI configuration tests to assert that CI configuration is correct. It is intended to be used in a consumer site and kept up-to-date with the CI configurations.

For example, there are tests for the regular expressions that control for which branches the deployment job runs. Such test makes sure that there are no unexpected surprises during the consumer site release to production.

BDD testing

Vortex uses Behat for Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) testing.

It provides full Behat support, including configuration in behat.yml and a browser container to run interactive tests.

It also provides additional features:

  1. Behat Drupal Extension - an extension to work with Drupal.
  2. Behat steps - a library of re-usable Behat steps.
  3. Behat Screenshot - extension to capture screenshots on-demand and on failure.
  4. Behat Progress formatter - extension to show progress as TAP and fails inline.
  5. Parallel profiles - configuration to allow running tests in parallel.


The FeatureContext.php file comes with included steps from Behat steps package.

Custom steps can be added into this file.


Behat default profile configured with sensible defaults to allow running Behat with provided extensions.

In CI, the profile can be overridden using $VORTEX_CI_BEHAT_PROFILE environment variable.

Parallel runs

In CI, Behat tests can be tagged to be split between multiple runners. The tags are then used by profiles with the identical names to run them.

Out of the box, Vortex provides support for unlimited parallel runners, but only 2 parallel profiles p0 and p1: a feature can be tagged by either @p0 or @p1 to run in a dedicated runner, or with both tags to run in both runners.

Note that you can easily add more p* profiles in your behat.yml by copying existing p1 profile and changing several lines of configuration.

Features without @p* tags will always run in the first CI runner, so even if you forget to tag the feature, it will still be allocated to a runner.

If CI has only one runner - a default profile will be used and all tests (except for those that tagged with @skipped) will be run.

Skipping tests

Add @skipped tag to a feature or scenario to exclude it from the test run.


Test screenshots are stored into .logs/screenshots location by default, which can be overwritten using $BEHAT_SCREENSHOT_DIR variable (courtesy of Behat Screenshot package). In CI, screenshots are stored as artifacts and are accessible in the Artifacts tab.


Out of the box, Vortex comes with Behat Progress formatter Behat output formatter to show progress as TAP and fails inline. This allows to continue test runs after failures while maintaining a minimal output.


Test reports produced if $VORTEX_TEST_RESULTS_DIR is set. They are stored in $VORTEX_TEST_RESULTS_DIR/behat directory. These reports are usually used in CI to track tests performance and stability.


Vortex provides BDD test examples for custom modules and themes.

These tests already run in CI when you install Vortex and can be used as a starting point for writing your own.