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The deployment to a remote location is performed by the scripts/vortex/ router script.

The script runs in CI only after all tests pass.

The script deploys the code to a remote location by calling the relevant scripts based on the type of deployment defined in $VORTEX_DEPLOY_TYPES variable as a comma-separated list of one or multiple supported deployment types:

  • webhook - a webhook URL is called via CURL.
  • artifact - a code artifact created and sent to a remote repository.
  • lagoon - a special webhook URL is called via CURL to trigger a deployment in Lagoon.
  • docker- a container image is built and pushed to a remote registry.

Using deployments

Deployment action

By default, an existing database will be retained during a deployment. To change this behavior and overwrite the database, set the $VORTEX_DEPLOY_ACTION variable to deploy_override_db.

Skipping deployments for specific Pull Requests or branches

To skip a specific Pull Request or branch using the $VORTEX_DEPLOY_SKIP variable, you would define additional environment variables with a specific naming convention in your CI configuration.

Here's an example of how this can be done:

Skipping a specific Pull Request:

Suppose you want to skip the deployment for Pull Request number 42. You would set the following environment variable:


Skipping a specific branch:

Suppose you want to skip the deployment for a branch named feature-x. You would first create a "safe" version of the branch name by replacing any special characters with underscores.

Set the following environment variable: