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Twig CS Fixer

The missing checkstyle for twig!

Twig CS Fixer aims to be what phpcs is to php. It checks your codebase for violations on coding standards.

Vortex comes with pre-configured Twig-cs-fixer ruleset for Drupal projects.




ahoy lint-fe


See configuration reference.

All global configuration takes place in the .twig-cs-fixer.php file.

Targets include custom modules and themes.

Adding or removing targets:

$ruleset = new TwigCsFixer\Ruleset\Ruleset();
$ruleset->addStandard(new TwigCsFixer\Standard\Twig());

$finder = new TwigCsFixer\File\Finder();
$finder->in(__DIR__ . '/web/modules/custom');
$finder->in(__DIR__ . '/web/themes/custom');

$config = new TwigCsFixer\Config\Config();

return $config;


Ignoring rules globally takes place in the .twig-cs-fixer.php file:


All errors have an identifier with the syntax: A.B:C:D with

  • A: The rule short name (mainly made from the class name)
  • B: The error identifier (like the error level or a specific name)
  • C: The line the error occurs
  • D: The position of the token in the line the error occurs

The four parts are optional, all those format are working

  • A
  • A.B
  • A.B:C
  • A.B:C:D
  • A:C
  • A:C:D
  • A::D

If you need to know the errors identifier you have/want to ignore, you can run the linter command with the --debug option.

To ignore all Twig CS Fixer rules within a file, place in the file header:

{# twig-cs-fixer-disable #}

To ignore a specific rule within a file, place in the file header:

{# twig-cs-fixer-disable A.B:C:D #}

Twig CS Fixer does not support ignoring of the code blocks.

To ignore only the current line:

{# twig-cs-fixer-disable-next-line A.B:C:D #}

To ignore only the next line:

{# twig-cs-fixer-disable-line A.B:C:D #}

Ignoring fail in CI

This tool runs in CI by default and fails the build if there are any violations.

Set VORTEX_CI_TWIG_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_FAILURE environment variable to 1 to ignore failures. The tool will still run and report violations, if any.